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Les Musiciens et la Grande Guerre vol. 2

Busoni Debussy Stravinsky

1913 au carrefour de la modernité 

Télérama, ffff

The incredible explosion of music at the begin¬ning of the 20th century was confronted, during the Great War, with other explosions : military, social and political. The scandalous parenthe¬sis of the Sacre du printemps in 1913 gave way to creations which were more interiorized, part of history, tradition: Debussy’s En Blanc et Noir, premiered in Paris on 22 January 1916 in the ‘hôtel de Polignac’ in a concert dedicated to ‘Affectionate help to musicians’. Busoni’s Fantasia contrappuntistica already in 1910 pre¬sented a modernity which was not cut off from its heritage but, on the contrary, fed from it, the better to transform it.

Jean-Sébastien Dureau, piano
Pleyel à double clavier

Vincent Planès, piano
Pleyel à deux claviers

T.T. 0'00
1 CD
© 2014

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 702 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus 2014 | T.T. 0'00
  Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
  Le Sacre du Printemps  
1. Introduction 3'09
2. Augures pritaniers - Danse des adolescentes 3'18
3. Jeu du rapt 1'22
4. Rondes printanières 3'19
5. Jeu des cités rivales - Procession du Sage - L'adoration de la Terre 2'44
6. Danse de la Terre 1'20
7. Introduction 4'17
8. Cercles mystiques des adolescentes 2'57
9. Glorification de l'Elue - Evocation des ancêtres 2'10
10. Action rituelle des ancêtres 3'26
11. Danse sacrale 4'43
  Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
  En Blanc et Noir  
  pour deux pianos
12. Avec emportement 4'23
13. Lent - Sombre 6'11
14. Scherzando 4'38
  Ferrucio Busoni (1866-1924)
  Fantasia Contrappuntistica pour deux pianos  
15. Prelude corale 8'37
16. Fuga I 2'19
17. Fuga II 2'21
18. Fuga III (on B-A-C-H) 5'17
19. Intermezzo - Variazione I - Variazione II - Variazione III - Cadenza 5'44
20. Fuga IV - Corale - Stretta 4'13

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