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Salve Regina

Castagnet - Latry - Poulenc 

Diapason, 5 diapasons Victoire de la Musique, 2003

The solemn tone of the Salve Regina is the connecting thread of this disc. The grand marian antiphony, composed in the XIth century, has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration to the musicians of Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral for nearly 1000 years. There is a bridge linking the XIth and XXIst centuries, joining Gregorian chants and contemporary creation – that of Yves Castagnet’s mass Salve Regina (composed between 2002 and 2007), that of Olivier Latry’s Salve Regina (2007), grand instrumental commentary of marian antiphony.

Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris
Aurore Bucher, soprano
Olivier Latry, orgue
Yves Castagnet, orgue

T.T. 65'51
1 CD
© 2007

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 056 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus 2007 | T.T. 65'51
  Anonyme du XIème siècle
1. Antienne 3'29
  Salve Regina
  Yves Castagnet (1964)
  Messe "Salve Regina"  
  Pour choeur, soli et deux orgues
2. Kyrie 5'40
3. Gloria 9'14
  Anonyme du XIIIème siècle
4. Offertoire Beata es, Virgo Maria 2'29
  Yves Castagnet (1964)
  Messe "Salve Regina"  
  Pour choeur, soli et deux orgues
5. Sanctus 4'25
6. Agnus Dei 6'47
  Anonyme du XIIIème siècle
7. Communio 2'23
  Regina Mundi
  Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
8. Litanies à la Vierge noire 8'33
  Olivier Latry (1962)
9. Salve Regina 22'48
  pour Orgue et Voix

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